Friday, July 2, 2010

Toddler Stilts

I was talking about stilts with a friend the other day, and remembered the old coffee can stilts that were popular when I was a kid.  For Jack and Tess, I thought the tall coffee cans would make me a little too nervous, so I used some pieces of 2x4 wood instead.  They were a huge hit.  It was so funny to watch them in action.  And when they get really good at it, I can make them a little taller.

To make them, I just drilled a hole through the wood and tied on some rope.  Simple!


  1. So cool. They look totally happy with the "short" version!

  2. I must tell you: I recently found your blog and am absolutely smitten with your genius kid toy creativity. LOVING going through your archives and discovering all the fun things I can make with my boys! Thank you for posting what you're making and doing with your two cuties... it has made my week to find your blog!

  3. these are great - I'm already imagining a few little people who would love these as gifts!

  4. Genius! I was just thinking that I wanted to make some for my little boy, but knew cans would be above his ability level. Thanks for solving my quandary. :)

  5. Thanks so much everybody! Yeah, our cousin came over and really enjoyed them too. After showing him the photos I took on the blog, I asked him if he wanted to try them out. He said, "yeah, I could do crazy tricks on those." He's 3 and a half. Awesome.

    Christina - Thanks! Glad you found my blog!

  6. so great! on the way home leo asked, "is uncle joel is good at making things?" and then we had a lovely conversation about you and your creativity. :)

  7. Great stilts and they'd avoid the tears when the walkers come off them! Fabulous.

  8. Yes!When I was a kid the ones that were sold were like plastic cups. I always wanted some of them! Fun!

  9. that is so great, i had forgotten about these, but loved them as a kid. creative and easy way to do them, too!

  10. So Fun! I'm going to have to make some for my own little sprout

  11. This is so wonderful! You've got a outstanding mind for creativity. I'll put my husband with the drill tonight! I'm especially enjoying Tess's shoes on the wrong feet. We do that here too.

  12. Hi Joel,
    I present workshops to child care providers and am wondering if I can use your idea. I am doing a obesity prevention workshop and in need of interesting ideas on getting children outside moving. These stilts look really fun and easy to make. If I site your blog can I use the pictures of the stilts?

    Thanks! Renee Ernsting

  13. Thanks everyone! Yeah, we just did some more stilt walking today. The kids are really having fun with them!

    rsting - Yes, of course! That sounds great.

  14. that seems fun!
    never tried that when i was a kid!!

  15. ❤ I used to have a set made with soup cans, and then graduated to a taller wooden pair... too much fun!

  16. A good idea to use pieces of wood instead tin's cans!The children seems amuse themselves.Bye!
    Excuse for my bad english!

  17. Hi!!
    I like so much your blog!! Its very happy
    Kisses from Spain ;D

  18. I love these! My daughter is going to love these. We're definitely going to need a few pair so we don't fight over them, ha! I especially love how adaptable to how adjustable they are for different ages and abilities. Simply brilliant, yet again! I've linked this to my weekly roundup of fun/inspiring/creative ideas, blogged here:
    Thanks for the great idea, now I'm off to build stilts!

  19. Amazing! You must start selling these; they would go like hot cakes, especially if they came in a few colours. Love your site!

  20. So PERFECT!!! I made the coffee can style for Diego a couple of Christmases ago when he was four, and Ruben has just started trying them out. We definitely need to practice on the grass or carpet first. I'll try to post them to show you how they look.

    The shots of the kids practicing are priceless! Tess is too adorable.

  21. So I just learned about your blog from a friend. I TOTALLY LOVE EVERYTHING!!! So cool!!! I can't wait to look at every single thing! :)

  22. I'm going to have to make a pair of these for my daughter... she'll love them! Thanks for another great idea!!

  23. What a perfect first pair of stilts, fantastic.

  24. I thought this stilts idea was so clever! I featured you here. So creative!

  25. I had these when I was a kid. I loved them. Thanks for the smile.

  26. We made these today. Thanks for the great idea! Love your blog!

  27. We made them out of orange juice cartons when I was younger. I don't remember how we made them so they didn't cave in, but we did! These look a little sturdier :)
