Thursday, July 1, 2010

LMNOP Magazine

LMNOP Magazine recently invited me to be their regular craft contributor, and of course I accepted.  I love the magazine.  Their new issue was just released yesterday, in which they mentioned that I'll be working with them.  My new column will commence in their next issue.  Should be fun!  If you haven't read LMNOP, you can download it here if you'd like.  It's free, and all the issues are filled with fantastic things for kids.


  1. Congrats! You deserve it, you are extremely talented!

  2. very nice! just read a bit of it, and i love LMNOP - had never seen it before. beautifully designed mag, and a great match for you! :)

  3. Thank you for making me discovering this magazine. Seems great, I will digg in! And congrats for your job!

  4. Wow, thats fantastic! You are the best, and I just love following up on all your creative creations:)

  5. That is very good news, congratulations!

  6. nice work joel!
    a local friend and artist here in vancouver made the same issue
    collage collage is this great art space for kids in vancouver
    owned/run by our good friend erin

    michael from hip baby

  7. Thanks everybody!

    Hip Baby - Cool! That place looks awesome! Thanks for the link.

  8. Congratulations!!
    and thanks for the link!

  9. Congratulations, Joel!! It looks like all kinds of mags are finding your great talent! You'll be a great addition to LMNOP!

  10. Bellas ideas, trabajo con niños y me parecio todo
    super original. Es Ud. un genio.
    Me encanto la revista.
    Mil gracias.
    Un gran abrazo desde Lima-Peru

  11. Thanks so much everybody! I'm working on my first column for LMNOP right now!
