Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fleece Play Squares for Babies

Here is a simple toy that I just made for LMNOP Magazine. It's a no-sew, fleece version of my Play Squares for Babies. Making them takes only minutes, and an older child could even make them as a gift for a baby. All you need is some fleece (felt would also work) and some scissors, then just cut out different sizes of squares. When the squares are placed on top of each other, they gently stick together because of the nature of the fabric. My 4 year old son even had fun making a variety of designs with them for awhile. Now I want to cut out some different shapes and colors to make more complex designs. So get some colorful pieces of fleece or felt and start creating! And feel free to post your versions on the Made by Joel Facebook Page!


  1. your posts are always a joy to receive!

  2. Great idea Joel!
    I'm reconfiguring my nephews old blue
    jeans into "play quilts." stop by and see them...
    by the way, Adán, got a kick out of your
    rolling rabbit toy, yesterday after school.
    we are going to make one for his cousin
    Ruby! like always he loved your video.
    He wants to know if you create your video
    tunes on Garage Band... like he does.

    total happiness to you and yours, joel!

  3. I made this for my daughter who is 16 months old and she LOVES it. We even got a little pouch to put them in and they are great toys to travel with.

  4. Hi Joel,

    look at my toys from the shoes inserts :)


  5. Thanks everyone!

    cristina - Those play quilts are awesome! I've been wanting to try something like that! And yes, I mostly use GarageBand for my music. It's so simple and fun to use. Cool!

    Victoria - I just left a comment on your blog. Your shoe insert toys are genius, and your artwork on them is perfect! Wow!

  6. I have got new ideas from you - Thanks:)
    Sharing is everything!


  7. Sounds like a great idea!. Also so your child soak in your art and way of doing.
