Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Etsy How-Tuesday Video Coming Soon!

This was a very exciting week for me. Etsy sent their video crew from New York to my studio on Monday to shoot a video craft tutorial for their "How-Tuesday" series. The video will be posted on May 3, but here's a behind the scenes teaser image.

Also, below are a couple of recent How-Tuesday videos that my kids really loved, simply because Jakob is so funny - drinking hot sauce and riding tiny bikes. They were super excited to meet him in person. Jakob and my son ended up playing Star Wars Lego together in the afternoon while Eric packed up all of his camera gear. A great day!


  1. How fun! I had no idea there were How-Tuesday vids. Look forward to seeing yours and sharing these with my boys!

  2. Oh that is so fun!!! And it sounds so relaxed... we are testing our toes in the world of crafts for a local breakfast show but I keep baulking at the thought of three camera men in my kitchen... and how will we all be with a camera in our faces- actually my kids live with a camera in their face... I think they will be fine... me not so much!!! So thanks you make it look so relaxed!!!

  3. Joel you are a superstar!
