Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break & More Facebook Images

I've been busy during spring break, working on some new big projects for the blog. I think it will be worth the wait! Meanwhile, there is a lot of fun going on over at the Made by Joel Facebook Page. So many people are sharing photos and great ideas for kids crafts. Here are a few (used here with permission), but come over and see more for yourself if you'd like!

If you have any photos of crafts, kids activities, or even a photo of a favorite kid-friendly place that you like in your area, it would be great to see them. To upload your photos onto the Facebook site, just click the Like button at the top of the Facebook page, and then upload them to the Wall!


  1. I love the last one with the city blocks (is that the CN Tower?) my monkeys love making building out of boxes from the recycling bin.

  2. Yes, that's the CN tower (good eye!), drawn by my 5 year old. It was a fun project. We sanded the blocks together, he drew the buildings, and we shared the painting.

  3. Nice to share all these great ideas!

  4. Awesome! I am going over right now to like your page

  5. Thanks everybody! And thanks Lynn. That CN Tower is awesome!

  6. I would have never thought to make those without your inspiration, Joel! Thank you.

  7. Great photos - particularly love the last one of the building blocks!

  8. Really enjoying the facebook page Joel. It is becoming a firm favourite place to play for this 37 year old. Just shared this link:

    of some fridge magnets I made with my daughter.
    Keep on keeping on! Miriam in London x

  9. Is a pleasure to appear on your blog, thank you very much for your good ideas and projects!

  10. LOVE the city blocks. We're doing it tomorrow! Will send pics : )

  11. it's a real pleasure to see all your productions and those of related blogs. I Have No Children but you're are a great inspiration for my work!

  12. OMG, are the best dad ever. I thought I was a trooper of a mom gettin out the glue gun this morning (Sunday) at 8 am to do some "projects" as my 5 year old said when her woke me up.

  13. Those photos are adorable! I must check out that link and share some of our Spring fun activities. Thanks for the share and best wishes for your projects.

  14. Just wanted to share with you the fun my son and I had making the paper blooms from Junior Magazine in Britain. If you get a chance, please do view on the blog. Thank you for the inspiration.

  15. Thanks everybody! I really love looking at all of your great craft ideas, and also the clever modifications to some of the crafts I've done. Fun!

    Emma V - Ahh, cool! I'm jealous because my copy of Junior Magazine hasn't arrived yet, so I haven't seen the article! Your flower looks great. And I'm even more happy that your son liked making it! I'll be posting that craft on the blog as soon as I get the magazine. (Any day now!)

  16. Loved the piano pic! Any instructions or link to instructions for how it was made?

  17. Jackie - I know! That costume is great! I didn't make that one. Someone on the Facebook page named Rosie made it. You could go to the photos section and try sending her a message if you'd like. I looks like it was made from a cardboard box and paper towel rolls, but not sure how she did the keys. Very cool!
