Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mnemonic Sounds Music Video

Here is the music video for Mnemonic Sounds! I decided to go with an abstract art theme for the video. It ended up working quite well I think. The band came to my studio last week, and we had a great time shooting it. Everyone got to be involved, which made for a lovely variety of puppeteering styles. The video kind of has an old school Sesame Street vibe to it, and is very kid friendly, so everyone can enjoy it!

Mnemonic Sounds is also giving away "Keeping it Quiet" on mp3 for free (click here), along with an amazing remix done by  Colin Love (click here). The full album is available here on iTunes if you'd like to check it out!

Above photo by Lindsey Byrnes 


  1. Awesome. Thanks Joel!

  2. love it, awesome work!!!
    just bought the album :)

  3. My 1 yr. old and I just watched the video and he was dancing like CRAZY!!!!!!! And giggling at the puppets. He kept doing sign language for "music" and saying, "Wow, wow, wow, wow!" (Pretty much the only words he can say...) :)LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.

  4. Cool! Thanks! This is great news. I'm planning on making some videos soon, specifically for kids, involving art and crafts and characters etc. I can't wait!

  5. Wow! Super cute. Love the toys. Love the simplicity and originality of it all, including the backgrounds. What a sweet song!
    Really enjoyed the butterflies fluttering. The moment when the color changes (like with the butterfly wings when they turn and the rectangular blue and white) goes so well with the music and beat. Will certainly share this with my daughter.

  6. Love it. Can't wait to show it to my kids.

  7. Super Video, gefällt mir total gut!
    Danke fürs Zeigen! Und die Kinder bekommen Anweisung mal eine Marionette zu basteln :o)

    Liebe Grüße!

  8. Wow Joel & Mnemonic Sounds!!! This is fantastic, amazing... I love it so so much!!! Everything. You're all great guys :) Joel, I also can't wait for your next videos "for kids" (& lots of adults that we love you as well! hahahah)

  9. Oh Boy! or Oh Girl!
    my nephew is going to come ... unglued!
    he constantly asks, "does that guy joel
    have a new video yet?"
    do you remember him?
    my guess is he will want to
    make is own video...
    Cheers to all involved!!!
    . . . much needed happiness.

  10. ¡fantastico! you are great Joel, and Mnemonic Sounds are great too, a super collaboration. Thank you! you are an inspiration

  11. Thanks so much everybody! I'm really excited about doing some more video. So fun!

    cristina - Yes, of course! I hope he likes it!

    Thanks again!

  12. this is magical cheer. and as someone said above, just what we all needed! i love everything: the puppets taking on a life of their own, the contrast of serious and more playful approaches within the band members, and the slowed down smiling pan toward the end. i LOVE this song, i LOVE your vision of the puppets and the simple changing backgrounds (a nice metaphor for life.) the video + song combination is fantastico! xox

  13. Very charming. And it looks like you all had quite some fun producing the video. Which is a Good Thing(tm).

  14. Good stuff! Must go buy Mnemonic Sounds now...

  15. This is absolutely great!
    I love your ideas and my children are always at my side, when I look at your blog!
    Thank you and have a great day

  16. I love that video. That's a very good idea.
    Thank you Joel and have a nice day.
    Kisses from Paris.

  17. Joel, I love the music but the video is awesome! It does remind me of sesamestreet but in a good way! I can't ait to show it to my kids!
