Friday, February 11, 2011


I've been painting this week for an art show I have next month. Here's one I just finished this morning. Stripes were inspired by my Paul Smith socks.

Update: Some people have asked about prints for this painting, so I've just added it to the Zazzle store. You can buy prints in different sizes, with archival inks, on paper or even canvas. Here is the link. (The default size print is 31x23 inches, printed on matte paper with archival ink for $29.95.)

The original painting is 36X48 inches. Acrylic on canvas. For those in the Portland area, the art show is at the Daily Cafe in the Pearl. My art (6 paintings and one mobile) will be shown for the month of March. If anyone is interested in the reception details, give me an email.


  1. Love the stripes! And can't wait for your book :)

  2. Ah we too have those socks, you have captured them so well!

  3. Toll! So einfach und so schön!

  4. This picture makes me smile! xxoo

  5. Thanks everybody! Yeah, Paul Smith stripes are a happy thing!

    And yes, it's my birthday! Thanks. 38 years!

  6. bonjour, Monsieur,
    j'aime beaucoup ce que vous faites et mon mari qui fait du vélo adore vos peinture de vélo.
    j'éspère que vous parlez le français car je ne parle pas anglais... nous aimons faire vos bricolages avec les enfants, ils trouvent ça génial.
    continuez, c'est super (it's wonderfull...)

  7. Love it! Would love those socks, too. I have some kiddos who would live in a pair of socks that looked like that.

  8. I would buy a print of this for our playroom. Or for the workshop in the garage where my husband works on his bike. It's fantastic!

  9. Will you be selling prints? This is great :)

  10. Oh, I like it very much! And you forgot about the chain at this bike ;)

  11. Sweet! Where will the art show be? (Andra)

  12. Thanks everybody! Prints are now available. I updated the post with the info!

    Merci agnès, très bon!

    nina_błękitna - Ha! Yes, this bike has a top of the line, invisible chain!

  13. It's so beautiful, a little bit vintage! it makes me thinking of Jacques Tati's films!

  14. Figliuluccia - Thanks for the nice compliment! I love vintage bicycles. I was looking at a British 1930 Norman bicycle when I painted this one.

  15. Hi Joel,

    Did you know that your blog is being voted on over at rickrak for the 2011 handmade olympics; I voted for you as I do enjoy your blog and all the great ideas you share with all of us. You should post this event (closes on Wed) so more people go over and vote for you! Cheers!

  16. Love the print...just ordered one. :)
    Oh and you are exactly one day older than me! Happy bday.

  17. Yay! Love the daily cafe! What a fun show. Hopefully it will be the first thrusday reception because i would love to come check it out.

  18. Cool, thanks everyone!

    pieface - Yes! It will be there for 1st thursday.

  19. Joel,
    I ordered a print of this and it arrived today... I LOVE it, it will be key to help me get through the remainder of my New Hampshire winter!

  20. Thanks kim! I ordered one too, and just got it in the mail. It turned out really well! The colors were extremely accurate. Nice!

    Thanks again!
