Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Facebook News!

After only three weeks, the Made by Joel Facebook Page is off to a booming start. It's rapidly turning into a fantastic resource for all kinds of art, crafts, and kids activities.

Here are a few of the photos that people have shared (used here with permission). A ring toss toy with multiple targets! Great artwork from kids. Ashleigh made a paper owl mobile for her baby. Tanya made an awesome dollhouse partially inspired by mine. A Paper City turned into a mobile! And Paper City Shoes!

We are currently working on a new way to showcase the crafts you all create, as well as the work of the kids. Like a rotating children's art exhibit, or craft gallery. If you'd like to join in on the fun and add your photos to the Facebook site, just click the Like button and then upload them to the Wall!


  1. You're just magic Joel...
    By the way, I'm not anonymous, it's me Patricia... it's just that I still have no idea about blogs, neither Facebook!

  2. Thanks for the comment Patricia! Everyone is just heading straight over to the facebook, which is good too. I'm still learning the whole facebook thing too. But it's a great way to share ideas back and forth. Nicely compliments the blog I think!

  3. I found you on the rikrak studio and saw that you are on facebook as well. "Like."

  4. all such great inspiring things!! look forward to all the new things shared!

  5. Have you thought of making a flickr group at flickr.com- that would be another easy and cool way for people to submit pictures- and you can add it to your blog easily.

  6. Thanks!

    Anonymous - Yes, I tried that once, but it didn't get much action. Mostly because I don't know what I'm doing. ha. Perhaps I'll have to look into it again.

  7. It´s great to meet creativeness such as yours...keep the family smiling

  8. Hi Joel,
    I have a blog in Spain (Barcelona), and I would like to link your blog, could I?
    Thank you and congratulations for your job!

  9. I LOVE perusing the facebook page - can't wait for the exciting updates.

  10. Thanks!

    deliciosa martha - Yes! That would be great.

    Steph at ModernParentsMessyKids.com - I know! There have been some really amazing photos uploaded in the last couple of days. So fun to see all of the kids with their crafts!

  11. Hola Joel, yo tambien tengo un blog:pintalaluna.blogspot.com, y te he puesto como enlace. Me encanta tu trabajo y pasear por tu blog.¡Felicidades!

  12. I would frame that Aidan painting. It is sweet and perfect.

    Thanks for sharing.
