Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Stop Motion Art Video

Just for fun, my friend Lisa shot this footage of some of my art that they own. I edited it and made some music for it. She took the footage with her iPhone using StopMotion Recorder.

On a side note, Lisa also just made a new wallpaper of my nesting dolls. If you're interested, you can click on the image below to get the full resolution, or download other sizes at her site if you'd like.


  1. Happy New Year! What a fun celebration
    of creations!

  2. Hey, Joel! As you know, I have a few other, wonderful "Made By Joel" pieces around the house that I think would also make good desktop backgrounds. With your permission, I'd like to take some more pictures and make them available (assuming they turn out as well as the nesting dolls did). Whaddaya think?

  3. Thanks everybody!

    Lisa - Cool, that would be great!

  4. that´s great! seems like a good idea for my students in art class too...thanks for inspiring us!

  5. what a great idea those short movies on your blog.
    I wish you a happy new year.

  6. oooh thanks for the stop-motion iphone app, it looks like lots of fun...and, as always, you and your stuff are great!

  7. Hi Joel , did you know you're featured here ?
    I love your work and blog!

  8. Thanks everybody!

    Sandra Jongedijk - Yes! She's a friend of mine. Very cool blog too. Thanks!

  9. I Loved to Find your blog! You have so many wonderful ideas! Thanks for Sharing Joel! Kisses from Portugal : ***
