Friday, December 24, 2010

Catapult Toy

 Last week I made this wooden catapult toy. I was originally going to have it toss paper balls but thought it would be cool to sew some instead. (Similar to the yo-yo balls I made awhile back.) It worked really well. The kids both had a real kick trying to make a basket. I made each ball have slightly different weight, so you have to adjust your technique to get them in. If you want to see it in action, check out the video below!


  1. infinitemonkeytheroyDecember 24, 2010 at 4:16 PM

    it was a big hit with the grommet, near as we can tell. thanks for making it! it'll be one of those toys he'll keep forever.

  2. amazing!! have a nice Christmas!

  3. Did you know that you are insanely cool!
    You're kids are lucky:)
    Happy holidays!

  4. Feliz Navidad, Joel, to you and your family.
    love the new toy!

  5. ooh! I really like this and that there's the little box for catching!

  6. I love this ! It's so funny ! Merry Christmas !!

  7. "Insanely cool." I have to agree with that assessment. Oh, to have this amount of imagination supported by this amount of ability . . . !

  8. I love everything. Please, go on.

  9. genial Joell!!!
    to you and your family.
    love the new toy!

    Embraces from chili

  10. Super fun - and how smart to make the balls different weights to make the game more challenging. You just think of everything :)

  11. I just found your blog because a friend posted a link to this post on Facebook. So many craft blogs are all done by's so cool to see one by a crafty MAN! Crafty men are the best! (I'm a bit biased because I'm married to one)
    I'm loving your projects and am delving into the blog's back-entries! Your work is inspiring! Keep up the good work!

  12. This one is sooooooooooo cool! You make me dream about my own carpentry!

  13. I love your ideas, design and Daddy perspective! Great work! I just found your site last night. I really enjoy it! Having three boys, it will be fun to try some of these ideas! Thank you and keep it going!

  14. Greatest family website I've seen in a long time !
    Lucky kids !!
