Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wooden Slot Animal

I've always liked the simplicity of things that fit together with slots.  Yesterday I made this little wooden toy.  I think I should make more animals with interchangeable pieces so people could make their own creations.  Jack had fun playing with this one though.  He especially liked peeping through the eye hole.


  1. Oh, that's a cute pic of him peeping through the eye hole! :)

  2. Joel, I think you are amazing... it is the first time I have made a comment although I almost always read your blog. The things you do are so simple and yet fantastic and your children are so lucky to have a dad as talented as you. Thankyou for sharing thes ideas with all of us.

  3. Ooh yes. I think the mixing and matching idea is great! Little frankenanimals! My husband had a great idea about sanding the leg corners so they may left and right a bit. Hmm. Maybe I need to get him a tablesaw...;)

  4. that's the trick, you see
    you think it is an animal
    when really it's a eye peeper

  5. Enjoy your projects and also your great photos!

  6. totally agree with n. davis rosback! the true beauty of this is that you made it so simple that one can turn it into something else entirely!

    (nice poem by NDR, and nearly a haiku. lovely.)

    LOVE the toy, LOVE the photos!

  7. Thanks for the really nice comments. Very kind!

    modernmaam - yeah, it's amazing what ideas start coming to you when you have a little saw. you should get your husband one. this wood is so thin though, that even a hand coping saw would easily cut it. An electric scroll saw is what I use though, and it took a couple of minutes to cut this out.

    Thanks again everyone.

  8. wonderful. your creaions are really nice.

  9. Simple and great!!! Have a lovely weekend!

  10. Genius! Genius! Genius! I could just imagine a set of these being pulled out of a Santa's sack. How lovely.

  11. Greetings from Finland :)

    I just found your blog and I'm loving it! All those nice things you have made for your children!

  12. oops! "rock!" I meant to say, so they may ROCK left and right. Thanks for the tips on the saws! I'm going to check some out!

  13. Lovely. How are you finishing the wooden pieces, just with mineral oil?

  14. Thanks everybody!

    amberlee - I use an awesome food grade bees wax polish by Three BEEautiful Bees. I use it on almost all of my wood toys for kids. You can buy it here.

    modernmaam - Ahh, I like that idea! I'm going to have to make a pair of rocking legs too! Cool.

  15. Yes, just genius. I want to try all your projects at once, I can't decide what to make first!!

  16. This looks beautiful. I don't know why, but I think her name is Ada.

  17. Thanks so much!

    Trula - Yeah, I think Ada suits her perfectly. Nice!

  18. I love this! Do you have a shop?

  19. Thanks Stephanie. I don't have a shop, but some things are in the works.

  20. Dear Joel,
    I like your work very much, but have you seen this : ?
    Best regards

  21. I've seen lots of other cardboard or fabric versions of slot animal toys, but I hadn't seen these Enzo Mari inspired ones. Very cool! Thanks for the link!

  22. We makes something inspiring in this, look:
    I hope you like it :)


  23. ♥ meninheira ♥ - I love your giraffe! Very nice! Yes, cardboard works very well for slotted toys too. Good one!
