Saturday, June 5, 2010

Blackfish Cafe Coloring Sheets

I just designed some coloring sheets for a cool little restaurant (Blackfish Cafe) at the beach in Lincoln City.  So here are some more fish!  If you want to try them out, click on the images below.  After coloring, you could even cut them out and use them in your Box Aquarium.


  1. Thank you! They were enlarged, printed and laminated to a memory and play at the beach!
    Bise, a fan made in France!

  2. really cute colouring pages.

    i've been to blackfish...yum.

  3. lovely lines. reminds me of the picasso drawing in the documentary we watched years ago. the fish inside the bird inside something else... was that it?

  4. Just love your work Joel. I can see fabric printed with your beautiful fish. Hmmmm, I see a shopping bag for me in it, and beach shorts for my little ones. Then I would give them fabric paints to colour in their own pants.

  5. Thanks!

    Lori - Yeah, that was the The Mystery of Picasso. I love that movie. So fun to watch him drawing and painting. I think the painting you're talking about ended up being a chicken.

    'Joyce' - Thanks! Yes, I've always thought it would be really fun to design fabric prints.

  6. OK, I caved. My friend has been posting your link nearly every day and I always think I will get over and visit this site when I "get a minute". So today I got a minute and have just kept coming back. I thoroughly researched your blog, book and life (through Bloesem) and now feel a bit like a stalker, but I have to say that you are brilliant and I am inspired.

  7. andrea of ffft - I'm glad you caved. That was a seriously kind post you did too. Not sure I deserve it. I think you summed up my whole philosophy on life when you said I'm " an at home dad who takes his role very seriously in a not so serious manner." Thanks again, and glad you like blog.

  8. oh these would keep my kids busy for a good long while. Maybe me too!

  9. i love your work, so much inspiring!!!!
    thank you kids will be colouring tonight!

  10. hello, maby you like this

    From Portugal

  11. Thanks everyone!

    Alexandra Durão - That game looks great! Thanks for showing me that photo.

  12. Joel We found some of ur coloring pages at the Daily cafe in the Pearl. They were a real hit with kids. They ofcourse want us to take on building the play house of urs for them.

    Amazing Amazing work

  13. B - Thanks, yeah, the Daily Cafe in the Pearl is really great. I love that place. And yes, that play house is a pretty big project for sure. Fun though. And really a bonus for the rainy days we get in Portland.

  14. Hi Joel I have just found you via and think all the things you have made are just great looking forward to building the fish box thisafternoon with my 4 year old.
    Thank you

  15. HOW fun are these...! Thanks for filling my head with groovy summer fun.

  16. You've got to be kidding me!?! We were just at the coast, starving and looking for a place to eat. I said "oh keep driving honey. Blackfish looks too fancy for us" meaning we have an 11 month-old who flings Cheerios at time perhaps we'll put those sheets to use!

  17. Thanks!

    Kimberly - Ha, that's so funny. And you're kind of right. The Blackfish is pretty nice food, but very comfortable, and a really great kids menu.
