Saturday, May 15, 2010

Play Squares for Babies

I've been getting a lot of people saying that they will save my projects for when their babies get a little older.  But what about the babies?  They need to have some fun too!  When my twins were little, I didn't have much time to make toys, but I was always thinking about what I would create if I did have the time.  So now I'm going to start turning those ideas into reality.  Plus, we're expecting to play with a new niece soon, so that will be a good source of inspiration!

Now on to the toy.  When Jack and Tess were teething, my mom made them some drool bibs.  I remember being fascinated by the fact that they played with these bibs more than any other toy.  They liked the soft colorful material, but mostly they loved the tactile feel of the tiny piece of velcro.  So this morning I made these simple stackable squares of material that are fun to rip apart and interact with.

These squares are sturdy and washable.  To make them, I folded a rectangle in half, and sewed around two of the open edges, (leaving one edge open).  Then I turned the square right-side out, tucked in the open edge, and sewed around all four edges.  Then I sewed a piece of velcro onto each side so they all stick together.  Done!


  1. How come everything you do is just so simple and amazing and awesome??? I think my 5 month old AND 2 year old would dig this! (In fact, when I'm sewing, my 2 year old always says, "Can I make something, too, Mom?" Thanks for another TERRIFIC idea. :)

  2. Brilliant! Will make for my eight-month-old. She'll love it! You are too clever.

  3. This is so simple it is genius. I am so happy I found your blog. Really inspirational.

  4. I LOVE this! It will be a great easy craft for my scraps - and a great little gift for nieces and nephews.

    Your blog is awesome. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Less is more - a simple, clever idea - my kids would have loved it. Totally smitten!

  6. Truly brilliant! I love this idea!

  7. Once again: brilliant idea. Thank´s !

  8. Dude! The design is so simple & brilliant. And the colors - so pleasing you could frame it.

  9. so simple and clever, love it!
    Malevich for babies :-)

  10. So great!!
    I'll make it as quickly as I'll be able to. Thank you so much... I can't wait for the other ideas!
    Marine (from France)

  11. Again, another great post!! I'll be linking to your site!

  12. I love this! I think I'll have to stuff some of the squares with something crinkly and use some funky textured cloth on others. I think that denim you used would be so pleasant for teething gums.

  13. Love it!!!! So doing this tonight....quick question though, once you turned it out and had the raw edge (in the pic that looked like a pocket) did you tuck in the edge or just sew it as is??? Did that make sense? Lauren from Sydney :)

  14. Thanks!

    at swim-two-birds - yeah, it does have a Malevich vibe doesn't it. cool.

    Lauren - yes, I tucked in the raw edges, and used a iron to kind of press it before I sewed it. you could use pins it you wanted too.

  15. Great idea- I love it. Thanks.

  16. Yes Saddie, some crinkle in there is a great idea. And yeah, I think these would be great for teething. Especially the denim.

  17. These are brilliant - babies will LOVE them! I just whipped up two sets, one for my boy, and another for the great Sew, Mama, Sew! giveaway day that kicks off tomorrow, May 17th - go here for a chance to win one from me:

    Mother Lode

  18. P.S. - I used the plastic lining from our empty raisin bran box to add crinkle - it's a food grade plastic, so should be safer than other suggestions I've seen, like the empty package from baby wipes.

  19. Thank you Joel for this so nice and so simple idea ! I am a french children minder (3 babies!) and I will sew very quickly this toy.....three time ;-) !

  20. Mother Lode - Those look great! I like the bran box crinkle idea. wonder if they would still wash ok. probably right? maybe just hang dry though.

  21. another great idea! I made something alike .. but just one square with labels attached to them to play with:
    The combination of both is something I will try when another baby is born ;-)

  22. yes, I'd definitely suggest hang dry with the plastic inside, good point!

  23. Oh thank you! I'm happy to know you haven't forgotten about those of us who may have not started quite yet! ;) More of these please, Joel!

  24. Oh, great idea! Reminds me the Montessori pink tower!

  25. did you use canvas or a certain type of fabric?

  26. Thanks everybody!

    nattles - I used a variety of material. The cream color is a natural denim, the blue and black are a sturdy canvas, and the others are just soft cotton. Any material will work. I was mainly choosing by color for this project.

  27. I like them! You could make a lazy version by serging, zigzagging or pinking the raw edges instead of turning them under. Or you could sew on some bias binding, that's a fun way to add even more colour!
    You might like the look of taggy blankets, they are so simple to make and babies love, Love LOVE all the bits of ribbon. My small girl liked the tags way more than the toy every time!
    This is what I'm talking about

  28. craftylittlemonkey - Thanks! Those are some great looking tag blankets. I've got to try something like that. Yeah, Jack and Tess loved the tags on things too. Anything that was surprising to them (pieces of velcro - like on these baby squares) they liked.

  29. I just discovered your blog and so far I LOVE IT! Too bad I did not come across it before as I was searching the web for a cute black and white mobile for babies ... and did not really find anything neat. But I will make my boy (7months old) these play squares. I am sure he will love them. At the moments he keeps eating my finished quilt blocks ... so maybe if I make him some of his own that'll save my sewing. :-)
    Thanks so much for this idea!!!
    Looking forward to more baby-related ideas!

  30. You sew too!?! I love the simplicity of this! You have a gift and its great to see you using it.

  31. This is a great idea- one thing you could add to it if you wanted, would be to put a "crinkly" sounding thing in the middle of some of the layers. I have heard of people cutting the wipes wrappers and putting them in the squares. Just sew and x (from corner to corner) to keep it in place. I think I might have to get mine made soon! Thanks!

  32. Thanks everyone!

    Jana @ The Summer House - I'm not that great of a sewer yet, but kids toys are far more forgiving that clothes!

    Jennifer Bundy - Nice idea with the wipe wrappers! I left mine empty inside, so they could be washed and dried. With the wrappers though, they could of course be washed, then dried flat. I'll have to try that on my next set!

  33. I made these yesterday for soon-to-be-born niece. They were simple and came out awesome! I did them in red, blue and green flannel. My s-i-l is going to love them!
    THANK YOU for everything you share!!!!!
