Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Paper City Helicopter

Yet another request for an addition to the Paper City. A helicopter! And what a great idea, too. I poked a hole and strung some thread through the top so you can fly it around. Then I made a landing pad, so you can fly on missions and then return for a smooth landing on the circle. We had a great time putting the city people in places (like the fireplace mantel) and then rescuing them with the helicopter. And it's quite fun just to fly around. You can print out the template and give it a "whirl."

Template Below.  When you print it out, you will see a tiny dot where you need to poke the hole for the thread.  I just used a small piece of tape underneath to stick the thread to the helicopter.  (See image above.)  Then I tied the other end to a button so you can hold onto it better.


  1. cool design & function. and i really love the photo with the black background - quel dramatic presentation. :) i think wes anderson would approve!

  2. every time a coconut.. always the coolest ideas. keep on coming up with them! When's the book due? we want a copy.. Tell us where you get your inspiration from? Dr Seuss? Len Lye?

  3. Really fabulous. I just stumbled across your blog from a link at Yum & Yuk. And you are in Portland! What could be better? (I grew up near there.)

    Very inspired.

  4. Thanks all!

    gretchen - The book will be out fall 2011. Thanks! As for inspiration, I take in everything I see, and my mind is pretty much always thinking about design of some sort. I have many favorite artists. I'd be up half the night if I tried to list them all. ha.

    neighborhood.gal - glad you found the blog. yeah, Portland is a really great area. So many cool things about it!

  5. it's such a great blog!
    don't you need a french aupair for the summer?=)

  6. Fabulous! Just what Aidan wanted! Thanks and you are the best!
    The Rice's in Paris:)

  7. Love this Joel, thanks for the inspiration! Fran x

  8. Hi,
    Thanks a lot for the idea of paper city !
    You can discover our Paper City here (made with my son of 3 years old):

    He loves play with it !!!!

  9. oh man- just stumbled into your blog and I am loving everything I see out here- beautiful photography as well.
    thank you for sharing your creativity!

  10. Thanks everybody!

    Oum_nawel - The city you made is spectacular! I love the colors, and it looks great printed out. I wondered if people were going to try adding colors in photoshop. You and your son did a great job! I really like the way you contained it in a nice little park block box, too. Very clever.

  11. well we've finally entered the paper city realm! The helicopter did it for me! My son loves it all! Thanks!

  12. Love the paper city. I'm going to try it at school with my class. Some of them are great little artists. Thanks for your great ideas.

  13. You could cut a small slit in the side of the helicopter to slip the people in when you rescue them and fly them home.

  14. Thanks!

    Kate - Good idea, that would be fun!

  15. the whole paper city rocks, as does your photography of such creations

  16. Hi Joel,
    to thank all the visitors of your site to visit my paper city article, I translated it in english (I hope it is comprehensible !!)
    Have a nice day !

  17. Thanks!

    Oum_nawel - Thanks for translating, but now the link is broken. Can you post a new link?

  18. Hi,
    here the new link : http://weldi.over-blog.com/article-paper-city-51993094.html

    I think to change my blog of adress : i 'll tell you when i'll make it for the new link !

  19. Thanks Oum_nawel - It looks great!

  20. This is like the most stinking cutest thing. Ever.

  21. oh wow..thank you!!! this is awesome!!!!

  22. thanks for your art AND sharing it with us:)

  23. I just filled a whole summer afternoon making this village with my seven-year-old daughter (and now she's engrossed with playing in her two villages). Thanks a million for giving us something fun and productive to do! :)

  24. If you too are having trouble printing, I had success by right clicking and saving into my pictures!

  25. I love all of your art. It's just perfect & creative! My kids are going to love this. Thank you so much.

  26. thank you! Such a fun project for me to keep the kids busy during our Canadian winters!
