Monday, March 15, 2010

Lullaby Piano

This post is a shout out to my sister. She recorded this classical piano album after becoming a mom. I think it's brilliant, but of course I'm partial. I also did the artwork.

It is available on iTunes Music Store, or at


  1. I LOVE that artwork! The birds are just beautiful.

  2. Beautiful music, so glad to find out about it

  3. A whole creative family... Wonderful : ) What a great idea to record peaceful classical pieces, I would love to have it on hand one day when I have kids...

  4. That artwork is so lovely! I don't know if I'd be able to find the CD out there, but I'll have a look.. I like piano so much!

  5. I love the artwork, its so calming.

  6. I love it very soothing name and cover :-)

  7. this is the only cd we carry in our kids shop. love it!

  8. Thanks everybody!

    -Jessica, I love Grasshopper! My favorite toy store in Portland for sure. My son bought his first 'buggy" doll there, and now has 6 of them.

  9. just bought it from iTunes! I'm a pianist myself and am often disappointed at the selection on kids classical cd's. I LOVE her choices! The pieces by Satie are two of my all time favorites so I was happy to see them on the album. Thanks!

  10. mle - Thanks! I know, I really love the songs she chose too. She played the Sonata in G, Longo 83 at my wedding 10 years ago. It's so beautiful.
