Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Exciting News!

Last month, on the day of my birthday, an editor at Shambhala Publications / Trumpeter Books asked me if I would be interested in writing a toy&craft-making book for them.  Over the past few weeks we've been working on the details for the project, and I just found out it's a go! I feel so honored and excited to be working with the same publisher as Amanda Blake Soule and so many others.

The support I've felt from all of you has been incredibly inspiring. Thank you for visiting my site and leaving such positive comments.  I will continue posting crafts on this site as I secretly crank out new projects that will be exclusively for the book.

Thanks, again, to all of you for being so supportive! And huge gratitude to Irene Hoofs of Bloesem for featuring me on her Bloesem Kids Daddy Stories. That's what really got all of this started. 


  1. That is very exciting news! I can't wait to read it!

  2. i expect an autographed copy.

  3. "Do not look at Mr. Henriques! Do not look him in the eye!"

    Seriously, congratulations! Now you truly will be loved in Belgium...

  4. this will make a beautiful book. can't wait!

  5. Congrats from Maine.

  6. Now I can't wait to read it. Congratualtions!!! (I am actually green with envy as I write this but still, YAY).....

  7. Congrats, Joel! I can't think of anyone else who deserves such an opportunity as much as you do!

    p.s. And perhaps with your influence we'll see a book entitled something like "the creative family" with a dad on the cover... ;) Hope you enjoy the process! :)

  8. Congrats looking forward to getting my hands on it...

  9. Hi Joel,

    I came across your blog via the Babyccino website (email updates) in Australia & boy, am I glad I did !

    I love what you do & thanks so much for sharing .. it's fantastic to hear of your new book .. look forward to reading ..

    Katherine of The Savannah Room in Australia

  10. I am so happy for you. I just started reading your blog by six degrees of separation. I think you are so unbelievably creative (I'm sure you already know that), I'm a retired elementary art educator, so I can say that officially. Every time I see something you've created I feel like you are being soooo generous just putting it out there for everyone to share. I know that's the point of blogs, especially creative blogs, but your ideas are fantastic (and I love how some of them are inspired by other artists, getting a little art education it there). It's the first blog I've ever actually copied an idea from to do with my kids. Anyway, I'm rambling, but I've just really been enjoying your blog. Can't wait for the book!!!

  11. Great news, Joel. Sounds awesome. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  12. Beautiful announcement! Congratulations, can't wait for the book.

  13. So Excited for you! I will be the first in line to buy it!

  14. WOWOWO.... I'm so happy for you Joel, I will be the first to buy your new book :) !!
    Congratulations, this truly is a super birthday present. Talk soon, please keep us posted, irene

  15. Congratulations!!! that's fantastic news, that will be a book I look forward to.

  16. congratulations! I'm a new reader via Bloesem and am always blown away by your projects. I always want to try them myself even though my child is older. Anyways, happy writing!

  17. Congratulations ! You do stylish things.
    I hope your readers from Finland will find it (there are many).

  18. Wow! that is truly fantastic, congrats Joel, I can only dream of that happening to me oneday. You deserve it! Can't wait to see a copy.

  19. Congratulation!.I also love Amanda's blog and now I visit yours daily.

  20. Awesome! It'll be on our family's bookshelf for sure!

  21. Excellent news...congratulations!!

  22. Congratulations!! This is great and definitely an honor! :)

  23. Well done you!! I for one can not wait... I know what you mean about the secret projects ... I have a book coming out soon and I was sleuthing projects for 18 months... and then it looked like I was being lazy!!

  24. Great! I found your blog a few months ago and have been wondering "why isn't he writing a book?" Congrats!

  25. Congrats! Nothing feels better than doing what you love and getting a bit of recognition for it. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us!

  26. Congratulations! That's wonderful!!! Enjoy your blog and your projects. You have a unique eye and ability to create beautiful objects that children want to use.

  27. I have only recently discovered your blog and am so happy I did. Your crafty ways are an inspiration to all! Look forward to your book.

  28. 10 days sago I was just about to order the first of those two books, but now I know that there will be one of you, I'll wait a little more for yours, for sure!! Congratulations for this work!

  29. Thanks so much everybody! I'm pretty excited. I'll be working on it over the next 5 months and it will be published Fall 2011. So don't start looking in the book stores quite yet!

  30. congrats ' !! love what you do !

  31. That's great! I think I found your blog thru Bloesem and have really enjoyed seeing the projects you make for your kiddos. I have 20 month old twin girls and your blog also gives me hope that life will be a bit easier and involve more arts and crafts some day soon. Your photos make life with twins look peaceful, did you know that?!?

    Looking forward to your book!

  32. omg!this is really really great - and now I feel so much more honored that you have been so generous in supporting me....all the best, for sure I will be among the first buyers!

  33. Great! Now I can satart looking forward tow becoming a grandmother. My teens are not so excited over toys anymore. ;) Hope we get your book to Finland, too.

  34. Brilliant news - congratulations - you totally deserve it!

  35. It's so wonderful that this has happened to such a wonderfully talented fellow. I love it when that happens. Brightens my day a little. Love the blog.

  36. This is going to be a cool book...where do we pre-order? Congrats and good luck!

  37. Three million cheers for the universe getting it right! You are most deserving and your book will bring joy to so many people. :)

  38. Congratulations Joel.

    This is just fabulous news. I heard about your blog through Bloesem and have loved following you ever since. It's so inspiring to see a dad spending so much quality time with his small's and engaging with them everyday in the ways that you do. Couldn't happen to a nicer person I'd say.

    I can't wait to get a copy of this one.


  39. Congratulations! Well-deserved! Make sure that you will let us know when your book is available. I am definitely going to buy it. I LOVE your ideas and I cannot get enough of them.

  40. I've only been visiting your blog for a few weeks but already I can see that a book is very well deserved - the fact that everything you make is made with love (for your children and your craft) is apparent and I am sure that this will help make the book great.

  41. What fantastic news - very well deserved. You're such an inspiration... I Can't wait to see the book!

  42. What amazing news! I really look forward to your projects, and they'll be perfect in book form. Congratulations!

  43. Wow, awesome news. Congrats to you for working hard a being a Daddy and inspiring your children daily through your passions. Love your stuff. I'll buy your book whenever it comes out! That's 1 sold for sure.

  44. congratulations! I heard about your blog through Bloesem, Lilya and i do love your projects, i can't wait to read this book!!

  45. Hi Joel,
    All of us at Trumpeter Books are excited, too! I'm really looking forward to working with you on this book!

  46. Congratulations from Amsterdam!

  47. I'm so happy for you. I can't wait to get your work in print instead of on a screen...

  48. fantastic news!! congratulations - - i look forward to seeing your book!

  49. what wonderful news!!! congratulations! I'm new to blogging and just starting to see all the possibilities. you and your blog are an inspiration! yippee!!

  50. This is totally exciting news! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  51. I'm such a fan of your work & of course will buy the book! I adore everything you make.

  52. This made my heart skip a beat! That's wonderful news!

    Congratulations, you really deserve it!

    And I'm definitely going to buy that book!!!

  53. I canb't wait until it comes out! my kids are growing up too fast but i will reserve a chunk of time with them in the fall of 2011 to make your projects!

  54. Joel - I just discovered you. I'm a 61 year young grandma (MorMor) with 3 and 5 yo grandchildren. Plus, I love to fiddle around with art, and projects, and funky home decor. I will be following you closely. I love projects involving buttons. And - I've developed an inventory of my own of fun projects with kids: fairy houses, "Look and Find" jars (Mason jars filled with colored rice and tiny hidden treasures), etc. Thanks for your inspiration and creativity - it's contagious!

  55. And yes - I love artists like you who share their creativity and work through blogs. Why not? Otherwise, it's all a bit selfish, doncha think?

  56. Hey Joel! I've just found out your cute "virtual dollhouse" through a link posted at a friend's knitting website!
    I'm delighted by your so creative ideas and the news about the project are totally wonderful!!!
    I don't have kids yet but I know that, when I have them, they will be raised having toys inspired on your sweet creative work!
    Congratulations and all the best wished on your new exciting challenges!

  57. Thanks for the really nice notes everyone. You are all too nice.

  58. That's fantastic news. More of you to inspire us!

  59. Hey, Your blog is so fun and inspiring....a book is certainly warranted!!
    BIG congrats!

  60. That is fantastic, Joel, congratulations and I can't wait to see it all in print.

  61. amazing! i'm very happy for you this blog got you into such a beautiful project.

  62. I know I'm late on saying this, but congratulations! I'll definitely be getting a copy so I can have it around when I have kids. I love that you make your children so many things--it'll definitely be something they'll remember and cherish as they grow up.

  63. Thanks again everybody! It's going really well so far!

  64. Yes! I'll buy one! Or two..

  65. get one for me, please!
    Cogratulations! I can't wait to see it.

  66. I can't WAIT to get my hands on your book!!!!! Congratulations, I hope it is one of many books created by you!!!!

    I posted about your brilliant blog tonight.

  67. i'm curious as a monkey!

  68. Will you be doing a book signing at all? You have to come to Chicago first!!

  69. Thanks everybody!

    Laura - yes, I will be doing book signings, but not sure where yet. For sure in Portland (probably at Powells Books). I'll definitely announce things as it gets closer to the publish date (fall 2011).

  70. It's great news. As Jenn I'll buy it. More - I'll sell it in my shop in Poland!!!

  71. fall 2011? way too long! work harder please!!!! :-)) I really like your style, just spotted you this week. Thanks for now! Will buy your book too, ofcourse....
