Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Walnut Boats

When I was a boy, I remember making walnut boats like this with my Grandma.  My sisters and I would play with them in the bathtub.  They were so simple and fun.  This morning we had some walnuts in the kitchen, so I made some boats with the kids!

Just melt some candle wax into a walnut shell.  When the wax gets a little firm, stick a toothpick in it for the mast of the boat.  Let the wax cool. (We stuck ours in the fridge for a couple minutes.) Then attach a paper sail by poking it onto the toothpick.  Ahoy!


  1. Last winter we've made candles with walnut shell but I've never thought about making a boat of it. Really a simple and fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing.

  2. OOOh thanx, we tried this with playdo but it didn't work well!


  3. So großartig!Viele, liebe Grüße, Petra

  4. we've been making walnut boats and paying in the puddles, so much fun! love your sails!

  5. Oh we have always tried to make these and never knew how to keep those pesky masts up... I love the wax, its a brilliant idea!!! Thanks again for another great idea!!!

  6. Good idea. I will try this with the daughter of my neighbors at the weekend.

  7. lovely idea! i will try it for sure with my son, thanks!

  8. someone mentioned a book.... do you have a book coming out?? I do hope it is true :)

  9. Thanks everybody! Yeah, this craft really takes me back. I love it.

    Jolayne - Yes, I'm writing a craft/toy book. It will be out fall 2011. You can read more about it here:


  10. Your ideas totally inspire me. Especially for a simpler, but easily just as enrichening, childhood for my three boys. I cannot wait for your craft/toy book to come out. And please keep up the wonderful photography. Simply charming.

  11. I made something like this as a child with milkweed pods--it was in first grade and we made one to represent Columbus' ship. Cool.

  12. We made walnut boats over the holidays! The kids love these and were playing with them just this week still. in the mud puddles, of course :)

  13. Super idea. That´s something I should try to make with my boys.

  14. I've just discovered your site. It's brilliant ! thanks for all these little creations.

  15. Gr8 idea:)Have u got a twitter account? I want to follow u ıf u have. My account @neslidrmsgl

  16. Thanks everybody!

    Neslihan - Nope, sorry I don't have a twitter account. Maybe someday.

  17. What's the best way to crack the walnuts so you end up with two nice halves like that?

    Love this idea. Thanks.

  18. I cracked these nuts by gently pounding them over the seam with a wooden muddler I had in the kitchen. When the seam started to come apart then I pried it open the rest of the way.

  19. Your blog is superb. Am very inspired by it. I teach a weekly art class at a community school in Mumbai and am planning to teach something inspired by your walnut boats. Here's a link http://bit.ly/96FKTr

  20. Mine sank... wish I had the Joel-touch =)
    Absolutely love your blog!

  21. Those walnut boats are so great, I had to post them too! Thanks for the tutorial!

  22. Thanks everybody. Your boats are fantastic!

    Mammagiramondo - What a great experience you made! Nice!

  23. Awesome walnut boat!! Great idea, I never thought about it:)

  24. These are wonderful - I made these with my children yesterday and they loved them - thank you! (blogged here: http://flossieteacakes.blogspot.com/2010/08/three-ways-with-walnuts.html)

    Your blog is amazing - a complete inspiration - and I was delighted to read that you are already working on a book - do you have a release date for it?

    Best wishes,

  25. These are awesome! Thanks for sharing.

  26. I also did it :)you cas see it here:

    I used it for my son's birthday party, to decorate a table :)
    thank you :)

  27. Tienes unas ideas estupendas, Gracias.
    Espero que alga el libro, será interesante
    un abrazo

  28. Nagyon tetszik! Most rögtön kipróbáljuk:)
