Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lori Henriques Album - Outside My Door

My sister Lori has a new album of original songs entitled "Outside My Door - Songs For Children Of all Ages." I did the artwork for it, which some of you might recognize since I used the Paper City and added some color and a few extra details relating to her lyrics. The design layout by our friend Paul Johnson turned out so fun that it works as an addition to Paper City!

As for the music, of-course I think it's brilliant, but you can also read this glowing review from Oregon Music News! (They even gave me a nice review because of the artwork.) So check out Lori's brand new site to listen for free, or buy a CD if you'd like. It's also available for download here on iTunes. Nice one, Lori!


  1. Listening to her music right now! She's wonderful! Such a beautiful, upbeat voice! Totally going to buy the CD when I get the chance, would by it on itunes, but your art work doesn't come with that :o)

  2. "songs for children of all ages" - this title is completely there in the music! wow! thank you for sharing.

  3. I really like the stories in her songs. They fit my heart perfectly.

  4. Just discovered you r blog & I love your artwork... your Paper City is awesome!

  5. Very cool... two very talented people, what a gene pool hey! Congratulations to your sister, great music, am going to spread the word with all the parents I know :)

  6. Awesome CD artwork, it totally fits for a children's CD. I really like your blog, it is so full of inspiration! :)

  7. oh!!!! the art work is awesome!!! and the songs too!! good team work!!! congrats!!!

  8. LOVE IT! I checked out Lori's other work on iTunes, loved the one about the birthdays.

  9. Hi Joel,
    Outside My Door is coming to NM!
    I just purchased one for Adán! Lori's
    words and music are an inspiration.
    His latest garage band tune creation
    is inspired by watching little sticks float
    down our small irrigation ditches...
    Yes to spring time fun!

  10. Thanks so much everybody! I'm really excited about these songs too. Lori's lyrics are so clever. I love it! Thanks again for supporting the arts everyone!

  11. Thanks, Joel, for the marvelous art! And thanks to all the rest of you for your enthusiasm and support! It's very fun addressing the packages to places all over the world, for sure. :)

  12. Wow. Lori's music is wonderful. My 8 -yr old was hooked the minute he heard the lyric "turd" - ya know, the goat. :-). (CD artwork is NICE)
    Joel, we love your website and all the fun things to create - thanks for sharing and being on here.

  13. You're very welcome Lori! Thank YOU!!

    Anonymous - Thanks! Ha, yes, I do love the goat turd line too. Pretty hilarious.

  14. Anonymous here again, aka - Tracy. I've been listening to Lori's album for the last few hours while making a blanket. It's such a comforting collection of songs and they make me smile. Very reminiscent of Mr. Rogers, who I LOVED. Such sweet tunes, with such amazing vocabulary . . . ennui, milieu . . . so much of it still applies, even in adulthood: "remember that learning takes patience, give yourself as much time as you need . . ." My favorite is Green Leaf on the Ground.
