Thursday, March 3, 2011

Art Show

My paintings are in the Daily Cafe through March if any of you in the Portland area want to swing by! Bring the kids too, they still have my coloring sheets at the cafe. I'll post them again below if anyone's in the mood for coloring now. (More info on the paintings at my art site if you'd like.)

Click on the images below, then print.


  1. Sounds like a fabulous cafe!
    Love the colouring sheets...thanks for the downloads!

  2. Thank you for the downloads! i cannot click on the middle one though...

  3. Love these too but also can't download the middle one.

  4. Try it now. I'll just arrange them vertically. Sometimes blogger is a bit buggy. Sorry!

  5. awesome work Joel! where else is your work showing this year? How do you find time to paint whilst writing books and raising kids?

  6. The animal one won't work!!! :( Printing them off for my cute nephew!

  7. Thanks!

    Jo - I know. I've only recently had the time to start painting again. It took some late nights to get these done for the show! ha.

    A Christy Production - I think I fixed it. Maybe try refreshing your browser. If that doesn't work then you can get it on the facebook page here.

  8. awesome! and great printables, my girls will love them. :)

  9. Thank you for the coloring sheets!

  10. Dès lundi,tes imprimés entreront dans ma classe! Merci. Pourrais-tu les réunir dans un coin de ton blog ? Merci Merci.

  11. maravilloso el cuadro de la bici!!!! la amé! mi vehiculo a diario es la cleta para llegar al trabajo :D no se si hablas español, pero por tu nombre me imagino que algo me entiendes jejeje si quieres lo traduzco :D

    saludos de Chile
    tatiana renom

  12. se me olvidó agregar que tus pinturas alegran cualquier espacio, hace que todo sea mas calido y armonico
    me encanta!

  13. Thanks everyone!

    McdsM - Merci! And I'm planning on making more prints of my paintings available for sale soon!

    origanimal - Gracias!

  14. beautiful things, is inspired your blog. I've added to your favorites

  15. We went there for breakfast yesterday. (Saturday) and said 'Hi' to your artwork. Well, we didn't actually say anything, but we did appreciate them and the pancakes! Thanks for the post!

  16. Your stuff looks great at the daily! Is the mibile yours too? Great work Joel! I'm bummed that my printer isn't working to print off the coloring pages, my kids would live those.

  17. ahem... (embarrassed cough) i meant mobile. You would think my auto-corrector would catch that.

  18. Oijoi, I do have two kids, but I'm seriously thinking of downloading the sheets just for myself... :)

  19. Love these! They are so cute! But can't get the animal picture to come up. When I click on it the helicopter one comes up instead. :)

  20. Thanks everyone!

    Amelia - Try refreshing your browser, or maybe try a different browser if that doesn't work. They are also available to download at Thanks!

  21. I love your driwings and made for my cousins t-shirts about.
    I made a link with your blog.
    Lovely ideas!
    Thank you:
