Monday, February 28, 2011

Design*Sponge Sneak Peek!

Design*Sponge just posted a photo-journal of our house in their "Sneak Peek" series. Head over to check it out if you'd like!


  1. Your photos are awesome! Love the tidbits about life at your house, and a million thanks for the Lullaby Piano mention and link!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  2. me encantan esos elefantes!
    es un hermoso diseƱo :D

  3. Just found you and your website, etc. after seeing this posting on Design Sponge. What a find! I live in Portland, too; and love to support local artists whenever possible. Wish you and your ideas had been around when I was raising my kids (in their 20s now)--love the simple approach to games made with items around the house. Will definitely be checking in regularly...

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Lori - You're welcome!

    Patty - Thanks! Yeah, Design*Sponge is so great. Glad you found my blog!

  5. wow. i'm so glad d*s did a post on you! so many ideas to work with the little ones!! thank you.

  6. Joel - I love it. I've been an avid follower of your blog and can't wait to do some of your projects when I have kids. I just posted on your bicycle print as my weekend signoff:

  7. Hi! So happy to have found this space (via d*s). I also have 4 year old twins, and will certainly come here for inspiration - probably everyday! I love that your projects are also interesting for an artistic adult, not just kid-crafty. There are days when my own arty brain has had enough, and this is a perfect nudge in the right direction for us all. My boys & I thank you!

  8. Joel, Of course Design Sponge beat me to it. :) Love them. I'm kim with Today's Creative Blog and I've featured your blog today. I'm also a fellow Portlander. :)

  9. A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Totally cool!!! Enjoy your great day!!!

  10. Ha! I saw the Design Sponge post and then the Today's Creative Blog post! How exciting to be featured in two great places in one day! Congrats!

  11. Very nice. I've sometimes wondered what your home must be like. I love how much light it gets!

  12. Great to see, such a creative open space, I also sometimes wonder about how you store or display all the wonderful toys you make the kids... on a toy shelf or something all beautifully arranged? Maybe one day you could show us how you do it?

  13. Thanks everybody!

    Kim - Wow, what a kind and beautifully put together post! Thanks so much!

    Brenna - Thanks! As for the kids toy storage, we mostly use Trofast storage shelves with bins, from IKEA.

  14. NICE!!
    Beautiful light...and yeah, very functional.
    Thanks for sharing that with us!

    Have a good week.

  15. I have one-year old boy/girl twins and look forward to using some of your crafts when they get older. Thank you for giving us access to your wonderful and creative ideas.

    Can you please refer me to the table and chair set for the kids? I've been looking around and haven't found any as well made (looking) as yours. Thanks.


  16. Thanks!

    Anonymous - The table and chairs are from IKEA. I ended up cutting about 3 inches off of the legs (on table and the chairs) because our kids were not quite two years old at the time.

  17. I'm catching up on blog reading and ooh....this is exciting. Congratulations! LOVE the chairs. I never would have thought they were from Ikea. ~Heidi

  18. Is your house really this neat?!
    Seriously though, it is a beautiful space and I just love your blog - thanks for sharing.
