Monday, January 31, 2011

Flower Building Toy

My daughter loves flowers. And around the same time I thought of the branch tree idea, I came up with this flower building toy. I used some scrap wood and cut out shapes, then painted them. Then I drilled holes into a bunch of thick dowel pieces to make stacking beads for the stems. The end result is a toy that allows the child to make their own various flower creations. My kids have been having a great time with it. When I showed it to my wife, she put a flower pedal piece lower down on the stem to make leaves! I didn't even think of that! One of the great things about simple, open-ended toys.


  1. Brilliant! Thanks for sharing your fantastic ideas!

  2. I love the absolute brilliance of the simplicity.

  3. This is a fantastic toy! I could totally see this fitting in with the neat wooden toy sets you can buy now from brands like Melissa & Doug.

  4. brilliant!! and i agree with erica [previous comment] - this would make such a great gift!

  5. Oh I love your toys. They are so very creative, but so wonderully simple.

  6. Mmhmm. So when is the Made By Joel toy line coming out? I have a two kids and three nephews that need these things. :)

  7. I LOVE this. Thank you so much for sharing.

  8. LOVE THIS!! I can not wait for my husband to put this on his project list.
    She's so satisfied in that last picture. :)
    I love flowers too...I think I want one for myself!

  9. Thanks everybody! Yes, I'd really like to get this toy produced. I'll be working on that soon!

  10. Amazing! I just found your blog this week and am so impressed. What terrific ideas. My daughter loves flowers too. I might have to round up some wood scraps from the garage tonight and give this a go! Thanks for all the terrific ideas!

  11. what a great idea! great for fine muscle exercise too.

  12. i love signs of spring: any way i can see it,
    enjoy it, imagine it!

  13. That is such a simple awesome idea. Thanks for sharing. Wouldn't it be beautiful if the wood block was painted like grass? That would sell over $50 at most stores.

  14. Totally cool - As usual, Love it!!!

  15. What a beautiful toy. Brilliant!

  16. oh Joel! You've done it again! I can see this in so many children's spaces! Such a simple, pleasurable, open ended toy! I bet you can even make robots out of it!
    thanks for sharing your creativity so freely!

  17. WOW--These are SUPER! Great idea, thanks for posting it!

  18. Your ideas are just amazing! I´m so glad I found your blog!

    greetings from germany

  19. These are so simple, but beautiful - love them!
    I might have to try something similar for my class.

  20. its lovely! but just wondering how you cut out the shapes? great job!

  21. I am so in love with this project! I wan to play with this myself. Are all the shapes cut with a scroll saw?

  22. your daughter looks all happy and excited...which is completely normal seeing her cool new toy!

  23. You, sir, are a freakin genius...

  24. Thank you so much for all your creativity! When ever I come here and see your projects I always thing how much fun it must be to live at your house =D


  25. Your daughter is such a lucky little girl. Both the concept and the colors are great!

  26. Really neat! Some of those pieces are chokers though so I couldn't take a chance in my day care.

  27. Thanks everyone!

    amber - yes, I cut the wood pieces with my scroll saw. Also, I used the non-toxic paint that's listed in my "Favorite Tools" on the right side of the blog.

    Stacy@ - You're right, with dowel sticks and wooden beads, this is definitely a toy for 3 years and older.

  28. Yet another awesome creation! You could possibly also use those shaped popsicle sticks as leaves/petals.

  29. This is really brilliant!
    Greetings from Germany...

  30. OK now this could be packaged and SOLD at a store or any street fair and I would buy it for sure!!!

  31. My daughter's would love this. You've got a great blog, very inspiring and so creative.

  32. My husband made simple pyramids, but these are fantastic!!! My daughter would like them:)

  33. Seriously, when is your line of toys coming out! I would love to make this but just don't have the tools right now.

  34. My immediate thought was that it's very like Ello, except yours is much bigger and uses wood (I love wood and bamboo for toys). That's a beautiful toy and has lots of potential for add-ons.

  35. What a wonderful toy!!!! Bravo! You are a genius! I was wondering if we could make the same thing with homemade clay. I haven't got wood scrap at home. What do you think about that? And thanks again for sharing all your ideas!!!! Sandrine, a French woman from baltimore

  36. Bonjour,
    J'adore ce que vous faites, et là, ma fille adorerai vos créations...

  37. Thanks everybody! Merci. Vous êtes très gentil!

    lj - Yes, you could definitely try it out of clay, or even painted cardboard.

  38. I love this so much! I've been looking at pre cut little wood pieces similar to those, but had not figured out what to do with them. Just perfect.

  39. oh yes oh yes oh yes...we (I especially ;-) would just LOVE to get to play with this!

  40. What a great homemade toy. Simple and fun. I've included your post on my weekly favorites here

  41. This is absolutely fantastic. It looks fun, engaging and is also very beautiful. Well done!

  42. Very Interesting,love it! --JoJo

  43. I don't wood work, but I am making one out of cardboard and paint!

  44. Wow that is such a neat idea! A good idea too from the commenter above me to use cardboard if you don't know how to woodwork.

    What kind of paint did you paint some of the pieces with?

  45. Thanks everyone!

    Heather - If you look on the side of my blog, there is a "Favorite Tools" image hiding there. Click on that, and it will give all my info on paints etc.
