Friday, December 10, 2010

Giveaway Winner and New Coloring Sheet

And the winner according to is comment number 398! So it looks like the dolls will be going to Denmark. Congratulations! This was really fun!

I also made another quick coloring sheet from one of my paintings so everyone can get a little something. Hope you are all enjoying the Holidays!

Coloring sheet is below, along with a look at the original painting. (Click on the coloring sheet image, then print.)


  1. Oooo, i was soo close ( nr.401...)

    So nice to throw something in for everyone!
    Happy holidays to you and your family too.

  2. Happy Holidays to you & your family as well! :D

  3. So very happy to be here and mil thanks to Kickcan and Conkers!
    I taught 1st grade for 26 years and would certainly have used your
    clever inventions with my students! FUN! FUN! FUN!
    I love your sharing kindness.........
    cheers to you!

  4. I am SOOOO glad I stumbled upon your blog. I'm a pre-K teacher, and you have tons of cool activities on here! I am so grateful that you put up tutorials and free templates! I've already printed off a bunch of stuff to take into work tomorrow, and I'm gonna ask my boss if she minds if I make some toddler stilts for when it's too cold to go outside. (Which seems to be every day) I'm also gonna grab some card board boxes and make some of those circles with slits. I've got a few boys who are dying for some new manipulatives. We've been making chain garland a lot, lol. Thank you again for all the great ideas! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  5. I've just finished your Nesting Dolls .it was fun to make them and easy.My son is 39 and loves puppets ;he's lucky enough to have 4 daughters,he's made his France we have a famous character called "Guignol";it's for his youngest she's 3year old.and I make the "paper clip puppets..I've 6 already .they 're very good to take to keep a child waiting in a restaurant or so .Thanks .Y.S
