Thursday, December 16, 2010

Box Dollhouse for Duck Duck Green

Here's another dollhouse! Duck Duck Green asked me to create a craft for their packaging. The box looked so much like a house already, I couldn't resist. My daughter has been playing with it a lot, making up hilarious scenes and dialogs. If you'd like, Duck Duck Green has nicely laid out instructions and photos here. You could also try it with different types of boxes. Maybe I should paint some holiday lights around the top of ours.


  1. I just found your site a few days ago. Amazing, Love your art. I use to have a shop in Florida selling mid cenutyr danish. Wonderful ideas you have. Im new to the blog stuff but here is my blog.

    Thanks for sharing your art toys!

  2. You know I especially love the yellow mum and the green dad :)
    Greetings from Amsterdam

  3. this is excellent! I am so challenged with all the expensive doll houses...and anything can actually do for a small toddler. Thank you for this reminder, specially in the Christmas season when pressure to buy gets so high!

  4. Hi, i'm new to your blog, I love it. I made your lovely paper city, with some kids from my work, they also loved it! see the result here:
    I think this new home is going to be the new project, thnx

  5. zazz - Thanks! And your paper city is awesome! I love the roads you made! Glad you found my blog.

  6. I wonder , do you ever buy toys for your kids Joel? You know I see a lot of stuff on the web everyday but when I see your handmade toys I can tell that they're fun to play with and I can't think of anything I like better...

  7. Kickcan and Conkers - Thanks! And yes, until I learn how to make Lego... ha.

  8. We brought a preassembled gingerbread house to decorate earlier this month and the box has made a great doll house / barn / gnome home.

  9. why don't we have duck duck green in Italy??? lovely house!

  10. I love It! I love your way to be with your child and your work. Sorry for my english which is not really good.... but .... I will try! I'm french, living in Brasil. I've never stopped being a child, I love toys and the ones I prefer are the "home made with a lot of love", as yours. I remember all the toys made by my mum and dad. These memories mixed with my passion for cooking and a old toys became my business today. It's like I'm living playing!
    Aurélia - São Paulo - Brazil
