Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mobile of Thanks

I've seen people make trees of thanks and thought it would be fun to make a mobile of thanks. It was a fast and simple project, similar to the nature mobile I made a few months ago. We just cut out pieces of paper, drew or wrote things that we were happy for and taped them onto long pieces of thread. Maybe we'll hang it near the dining room. Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Totally charming!! I'm thankful for coffee too :)

  2. sweetness. I am going to make one too...

  3. The mobile of thanks is brilliant. I think you may have started a movement!

  4. Hi Joel
    Hello from the Balearic Islands, I'm a mom from 2 little girls and they love all your toys and craft
    Thanks for your blog

  5. Great idea, Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  6. don't you just love yourself?
    i would if i where u!

  7. I have just come across your blog and I LOVE it. Your work is inspiring and you are a great role model for dad's and other crafters too.
    Thanks you so much for all your great printables. I can't wait to try some out with the kids.

  8. I've just found out about your blog. Your work is really great. We also have tweens, boy and girl. I hope they'll get allong as well as yours. Love your elephant!
