Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Final Cheerios Box Craft - Dollhouse

Here is the last of the 3 videos I made for Cheerios. A portable dollhouse! It was a fun one. Hope you enjoyed the mini-series!


  1. That is so cute!!!

    My daughter in making a three story doll house from cardboard. She actually tiled the bathroom floor in a black and white checkerboard using construction paper and a black vinyl coverpage for a report! Then she made a big lounge chair from a piece of styrofoam and covered it in faux leather scraps, after padding it. It looks pretty comfortable. Anyway, you get the picture. It is quite impressive for a ten year old.

  2. wow, this is very cool and I see you are very busy! you are everywhere, not a surprise with this talent!
    have a good week...

  3. It's really cute! Best regards from Barcelona :)

  4. Great idea, this little house is so cute!!

  5. hmm...is it strange that i'm a little jealous over the cheerio's furniture? i could really use a yellow lounger in my life...not to mention the rug...the artwork...all of it. very cool.

  6. Thanks everyone!

    I Live in an Antbed - That dollhouse sounds amazing! Nice one!

    HughandArlo - Ha. I know. I could really go for a yellow lounger for myself too. That's the great thing about dollhouses I guess. We can at least pretend to own the stuff.

  7. My kids loved watching your video and have spent the last 2 hours making a hotel, stores and goodness knows what else out of all of our cereal boxes. :)

    Love your ideas!

  8. Hello, i like your blog very much so i was wondering if would have an idea to make a pirate island for my two years old boy. I've ever made a cardboard town for him but now i'd like to make something for him to play with his lego and playmobils, and island with somewhere to hide his treasure and some pirates...and something not two big, maybe in many pieces...it would be really cool if you could help me...thanks

  9. "not too big" i wanted to write (sorry i m french ;-) )

  10. Thanks!

    Anonymous (allanca) - Ooh, that sounds like it would be really cool. I wish I had time to try that. I've got many commitments and commissions lined up for the next 3 months. I bet you could make something great though!

  11. I love the idea to make o toy in a box and your idea to open and close it with scratch!
    Thanks for your answer...i have many ideas but i'll try to make something simple

  12. Hi Joel,
    You've inspired my 8yr old daughter to make her own version of this craft with 2 of her younger sisters.
    Thank you!

  13. Hi Joel,
    I love your work so much and I thought you might like to see how my 5 yr old son copied this craft (http://ginghamcherry.blogspot.com/2011/01/snow-day-activity-389-at-least-it-feels.html). I still think it is funny how, after browsing through lots of crafts on your blog, he specifically remembered this one and wanted to make it without any prompting from me. You just never know what will strike their fancy. Anyway, keep up the great work and thanks so much for sharing so generously!
