Thursday, November 18, 2010

Craft for Etsy Blog - Fabric Nesting Dolls

I was very honored when Etsy recently asked if I'd be interested in making a new craft to post on their blog. I decided to make these fabric nesting dolls. The idea for them came after I painted a set of nesting dolls for my friend Lisa. She said I should try making some nesting dolls that her niece and nephew could play with; maybe using fabric. They turned out to be very simple to make, and are suitable for the 0-3 age group, but also fun for older kids too. You can stand them up and even use them as puppets. If you want to try making your own, check out the post on the Etsy blog, with more photos and full instructions. Could be a fun gift idea for the holidays!


  1. infinitemonkeytheoryNovember 18, 2010 at 4:30 PM

    Great! I think a certain almost-two-year-old would get a big kick out of these.

  2. These are adorable. You come up with the most wonderful designs for toys. It's always a treat dropping in here.

  3. that's another idea for me for a Christmas present. Love the idea

  4. Just saw the feature on Etsy! Love it... and love the dolls. My girls would have a great time with these!

  5. Yet again, I'm lost for words at your creativity! These are just brilliant and so beautiful! Wow!

  6. Awsome, thanks for sharing.
    grt, Helmi

  7. These are super dooper awesome!

    I like things better that aren't made out of cereal boxes - cause I spend half my life explaining to the kids that they can't have cheerios (or nearly every other cereal)as it is so bad for their teeth! :)

  8. I love this idea! Thanks again for inspiring :). I gave you a blog award today:

  9. Wow~ What creativity! Thanks for sharing.


  10. Another winner, you prolific toy genius! I'm hoping to make these with Diego for Julio for Xmas. Thanks!

  11. tu creatividad es inagotable :) me hice adicta a tu blog...

  12. J'aime beaucoup tes poupées gigognes !
    A bientôt ^..^

  13. Another fantastic idea! Thank you Joel

  14. these are awesome and congrats on etsy blog.

  15. Fantastico!!! love this idea.
    thanks for sharing.

  16. thanks for the inspiration.

  17. Thanks everyone!!

    suna - Nice! Your dolls turned out great! I love the drawings. What fabric did you use? It almost looks like ultra suede? Cool!

  18. Oh my, THANK YOU! I just finished the cutting and drawing...all I have to do now is the sewing. I'm so very excited to give these to my niece and nephew for Christmas.

  19. What an awesome idea! Really, really fun.

  20. Hey Joel,

    I loved this idea so much I just had to do a few sets for myself. So fun!! You can see how mine came out here - Thanks for the idea. The families I gave them to loved them!!

  21. This is a fantastic idea - I have just completed a set for my niece who is about to get her first baby brother or sister any day now. I made the dolls to represent my niece, her mummy, daddy, new baby and kitty-cat. They may not remain as sturdy as yours however as all I had to hand was felt for the backing!
    I can't wait to make another set! Thank you!

  22. Thank you so much Joel! Yesterday was a beautiful day, and in a way, it was because of you (excuse me for my english's lingo!!!) you can see my Nesting dolls on my blog, you'll can see that they have travelled a lot to arrived in a small French town for a nice birthday's party! Thank you again and again!!!

  23. Thanks everyone!

    Figliuluccia - Wow, those look fantastic! What a beautiful party. I love the photos. Thanks for showing me!

  24. How artsy and craftsy! Love them
