Wednesday, September 29, 2010

City Block

I recently scored a free box of wood scraps and in it was this fabulous old cedar block.  I decided to paint it and turn it into a "city block".  I think it might be a good block for the Vintage Wood Figures to hang out with.


  1. I love that you've given a different view to each and every side! Nicely done, I also love it!

  2. nice illustration! very vintage style :)

  3. I love the retro feel! This belongs in a decorating blog haha! I particularly live the red, black and white sides! Stunning.

  4. I love this! YOu have amazing ideas!

  5. Wonderful idea, love it! We have lots of woodblocks in our backyard, we could build a whole city=)

  6. I like very much how you painted this cedar block: the colours, the particulars and your graphic sign. I love also the labirinth of your foregoing post, it's a bright idea!

  7. Dear Joel, we follow and love your blog from Italy! I wanted to tell you that the italian Vanity Fair wrote about you, would you like me to send you a copy? Ale

  8. Thank you everybody! It's very simple but fun.

    famiglia Parentini - Hello Ale, wow I had no idea. I would totally love it if you could send me a copy! I'll send you a little toy or something in return. Could you email me so we can exchange information?

    Thanks Ale!

  9. As ever, I am so stunned by the fun, soaring quality of your illustrations. Your confidence with a line is enviable.

  10. Perfect. And all because your illustrations rock it.
    Added it to my link love this week, well deserved!

  11. This looks like so much fun to play with! I love the variety... the way it looks like day or night, and how the white side looks kind of foggy or wintry. Another great simple idea, Joel!

  12. Time to raid the scraps in the basement from our reno...

  13. My 5 year old son and I were inspired by these and your paper city... so he did the drawing and we shared the painting and came up with this.
    My 3 year old son loves playing with them.

    Thanks for your very enjoyable blog and lovely ideas.

  14. Thanks so much everybody!

    Lynn - Those blocks are beautifully done! I love that city!!

  15. Thanks, Joel. You are a great inspiration!

  16. Just had a look at your page with my almost 4 year old - he was all excited and asked, when we would go over to your house to play with the kids ;)

    Cheers from WA. Love your work!


  17. Fantastic, as everything you do!
    Big fan here in Athens, Greece.
    I've just added you to my favorite blogs.

  18. cool, cool, cool - you are 2010´s Jørgen Clevin - absolutely brilliant !
