Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nature Mobile

The kids love collecting things while playing outside, so we made a little mobile with some of their treasures.  It was very easy to make.  I just used thread to tie the items onto the stick, then tied fishing line to each end of the stick to hang the mobile from.  We had fun pressing flowers for it too.  We put the flowers between some wax paper and placed books on them for a couple of days.  Then used double sided scotch tape to attach them to a circle of paper.  The mobile really looks great hanging in our house!


  1. We come back from holidays... And we make a mobile with differents elements find in our place... That's great to make something just with the biautiful things around us... And it's fantatisc just to discover nature and look for with attention the small life...
    Pardon for my bad, bad english...

  2. Looks great. I think that is a great idea for my 4 year old. He loves looking for 'nature'. Lou.

  3. Love this idea; I've struggled to find a good place for a nature table in our house, and this looks like a great alternative!

  4. Wow, that's cool. Have to try this with my 5-year old.

  5. That's so cool, way better than any store bought one!

  6. My son is really scared ( of nature right now :(. I wonder if something like this might help him "grasp" it... going to try it this week, thanks for the idea!

  7. Oh, I just love it. Great idea. You really inspire me with your ability to create such a stimulating environment for your little ones.

  8. great, i actually should try this out because my daughter loves to find the tiniest things on the street...

  9. Thanks everyone! Yeah, I think I'm going to try making another one too. Very fun! It would be cool to make a really big one with a nice birch branch or something. hmmmm.

  10. Hola Joel! Yo también aproveché una salida a la naturaleza, concretamente la playa para recoger piedras con mi hijo y dibujar sobre ellas. Si quieres, puedes ver las fotos en
    Me encanta todo lo que haces, felicidades!

  11. i love making mobiles. Just stunning how objects fload in the air...

    A hello from the Netherlands!

  12. I am your biggest fan in France. If you ever hear anything about translating your book (or even your blog) in French, please contact me.

  13. toujours si simple et si poétique.
    belle journée.

  14. what a fun visual! [and a quiet afternoon project to teach how to tie things...]

    thanks for sharing..

  15. Thanks everybody! Very kind.

    Lor - I would love to have a French translation of the book. Perhaps Trumpeter Books will consider it later on. We'll see.

    Förskoleburken - Thanks!

  16. so simple - I am pondering a way to display 3d stuff on the wall to get it off of the piles on shelves. I am thinking a lot of hooks and screws on the wall - I wonder how it would work?

  17. Umatji - Sounds like an intriguing idea! Let me know if you come up with something. You could always just add some wall hanging shelves above his existing shelves. Also, I recently bent a small custom rack out of wire for my nephew's toy trumpet that I made him. The rack nails onto the wall and displays the trumpet nicely.

  18. beautiful, elegant, sweet :-)
    makes you notice and appreciate the objects one ordinarily walks right past :-)

  19. we just moved to a place that is FULL of nature. my 2 yr old will love that we have outside INSIDE! thanks!
