Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Favorite Children's Book

Ohdeedoh recently asked me to participate in a short interview to celebrate Learning at Home month.  They asked a few people about their favorite children's book, illustrator and more.  If you want to check it out, click here!


  1. Parabéns pelo blog! És muito criativo!!!
    Um artista nato!!

  2. Just read your interview, and couldn't agree more on the Maggie B! We picked up a second hand copy a few years back and the kids and I love it. Takes you to another world, just fantastic!

  3. Thanks!

    naomi - Yes, Maggie B is the greatest! I love the idea of having my own little kitchen to cook in, and the boat etc... it's totally fantastic.

  4. I tried to check that out of our library, but we needed to order it... I'm looking forward to it!

    I don't think I could pick out a favorite children's book, I love so many of them!

  5. Great interview! I still have my copy of the Maggie B from when I was a kid in the 1970's. My kids request it over and over again! Thank you for your continual inspiration and motivation!

  6. Just now I hopped over to to purchase Maggie B! I found a paper back copy for $2.50 and of course I had to buy it! I can't wait to get it and read it to my kiddos!

    Thanks! I love your blog and your creative style.
