Sunday, July 18, 2010

Match Game

While we were drawing today, I decided to make one of those match games where you draw a line to match the silhouettes to the correct figure.  The kids really enjoyed the idea of a drawing game.  It took a little concentration too, and they were very proud when they finished.  Tess wanted to do it again and again.  If you want to try it out, there is a download below.

Click on the image below:


  1. Very cool, love the drawings. Joel I've been following your blog for a while and after you mentioned the origin of your last name a few posts back, I just had to ask: are you related to Richard Henriquez, the architect in Vancouver? I recall his name spelling changing and he was born in Jamaica. Any relation? Cheers, Julie

  2. such a precious photo . . . i haven't thought about these games for years. can't wait to give it to leo! :)

  3. I have just discovered your blog and I like it!
    A great dad who makes great things for his great kids, it is stunning and inspiring!
    I shall come back...

  4. I wouldn't know what to do on rainy days if it weren't for you, Joel! Thank you, as always!

  5. Yet another lovely one! Thank you thank you.

  6. You are absolutely amazing! I tried making your pickup game and though mine just looked like bent paper clips (unlike yours) my 3 year old loves it, anyway! He also loves the paper city, but was asking where the trees and tents and campfire were (we take him camping, obviously!). Any chance of making an outdoor section or park to the paper city?

  7. Oh, cute! I really like this one. She looks like she's having so much fun! You're little ones are brilliant!

  8. Thanks everybody! Hope your kids like it.

    Juicy Roo - Cool, I wonder if we're related somehow. I'm not sure though.

    Joy N. Hensley - Yeah! The paper clip thing is really fun and so easy. Your "un-curled" version is probably easier to take back apart than mine. So it's probably even better.

  9. Awesome! How old are your children?

  10. Thanks. They're 3 and a half.

    Oh, and Joy N. Hensley - Yes, making a park for the paper city is a good idea! I'll have to work on that one.

  11. This activity saved us during the pre-dinner fallout. Thank you!!!!

  12. Fantastic! Thanks for sharing, again! I'll print it for my daughter, to use on friday, when she'll be with me all the day long. She's one year younger than your kids, but I think she can do it!

  13. I love that, at your house, you just "decide to make one of those match games" and this is what you bust out. How cool it must be for your kids to have you as their dad. I wish my printer was working, I'd print yours out, perhaps now I will make my own.

  14. I'm hooked. I love your website.

  15. Love this! If you did a pdf booklet of these I would love to buy it!

  16. Love your stuff. All of it. Pure genius. Posted about you today. Thanks for all you share. Looking forward to your book. Congrats!

  17. Hey Joel,
    Just wanted to say thank you for your blog. My children spent hours on their paper cities today
    We have also made your marble run.
    Your blog is perfect for rainy days!

  18. Thanks for all the very nice comments!

    megasimple - Thanks, what a kind post! Very cool layout too!

    Moogie - Holy cow, that's the biggest paper city display I've ever seen! Ha. Oh, I love that. What an amazing job your kids did coloring it too. It must have taken forever.

  19. Thank you! I printed this off for my daycare kids... and you've inspired me to "try" and make my own.

  20. thanks for sharing all these precious imaginative treasures!

  21. We love your games thank you so much! Greetings from Switzerland

  22. A great and inspiring idea, thanks! :-)

  23. Great job!

    I printed out all your coloring pages and my two girls (6 & 3 years) love them! I'm going to show your site on my Monday Makers Link List soon!

    (And I orderes Anorak just because of you!)

    Greetings from Germany,


  24. Hey Joel,
    My son loved this game. Feel free to post more on a regular basis! We do things like this on non-preschool days.

    I just posted a recycled cereal box holder I made for all these printable projects, and linked to this as a suggestion for other parents. Thanks!

  25. Lovely idea, love your site. Looking forward for more printable art!
