Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Art Wrap

We've got a lot of birthdays coming up, so I thought I'd share my favorite way for wrapping presents, using pages out of my old art magazines.  I'm sure a lot of you do this sort of thing too.  I also like cutting little pieces of painted paper for decorations.

p.s. The deadline for my book material is in two weeks!  I've been very busy getting everything finished up.  I'm pretty excited about it!


  1. I should do this with my old design magazines. I love how this looks.

  2. I did something similar for xmas one year (though not with design magazines, simply colorful fashion magazines). It was tons of fun, but I'm not sure my family was terribly impressed :D

  3. Good luck and fingers crossed for the book deadline! I mean how cool is that to be able to publish a book?? Your name on it, very impressive I think...

    We also made the Paper City and the kids (and I) have been pretty happy playing with it!

    Have a happy week,


  4. I often let my daugthers draw and write the wrappingpaper. Fun and cool :-)

  5. congrats on the book! good luck with the deadline!!

  6. What's in the box... what's in the box?? Can we shake it and make guesses?

  7. Thanks!! And yeah, it's going to feel good to have the book material finished!

    Three Owls - ha!

  8. Love this. We do it too with old home made art. But I like your additions of the "bows" very thoughtful.

  9. Your blog is fantastic. Compliments for all your creations. Totò

  10. OMG! That will be yet another book to go on my wishlist!!! Well done!

    Those gifts look fantastic. I love using interesting magazine pages and maps out of thrift shop atlases to make envelopes from. The postal workers probably get a kick out of it too!

  11. Hey Joel.....

    I am amazed every time I open your page and find ideas for me and my kids... I am a huge fan :-D

    PS: I have left some space on my crowded shelves for your book -can't wait!!!!

  12. These are good! And, you can be sure that it's definitely not something I've tried before!! Thanks for the great tip. Love your blog, I'm staying a while to look around. x

  13. I just stumbled across your blog via SwissMiss - and I'm stunned, you have one of the most inspiring blogs ever! (And some of the cutest kids ever :))
    I wish you all the best! x

  14. I've just found your blog and think it is very inspiring! We recycle the kids' paintings for wrapping paper, although sometimes the amount of paint on it makes for very stiff wrapping paper! We will definitely have a go at your paper city. Good luck with your book deadline!

  15. Just found your blog last week and have been through all the archives! When I showed my 22 yr old son the post with the amazing dollhouse, he told me that he has wonderful memories of the homemade Ghostbusters firehouse we made together when he was five. So our children really do enjoy the creative process, as much as we do!

  16. Because your blog is really fantastic, an Award for you : ;-)

  17. Your work is amazing. I just blogged about your paper town. Thank you, we had a lot of fun.

    Can't wait for your book!
