Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Modern Paper Mobile for Babies

When Jack and Tess were one month old I made them a mobile like this and hung it over their crib.  Looking at it was Tess's favorite activity for almost 6 months.  The contrasting black and white shapes are perfect for infants' undeveloped vision.  It's also very simple to make, using only cardboard, paper and some thread.  At the bottom of this post is a template that you may download and print, or you can design your own black and white shapes.

This is how you can make one:

- Cut two strips of cardboard about 14 inches long.  (I used illustration board and painted it red, but any cardboard will work.)  Then lay them in a cross and use some double sided tape (or glue) and stick them together.
- Print the template and cut out the mobile shapes.
- Cut 4 pieces of thread, about 9 inches long each.
- Tape the strands of thread to the ends of the mobile arms.  Just lay the string on top of the arm and stick tape on it, then fold the tape under.
- Next mark the center on the back of each mobile piece and tape the other end of the thread onto it so that the thread attaches near the center.
- Take another length of thread (about 12 inches) and tie each end to the cardboard stick that's on the bottom.  (See photo.)
- Now tie one long piece of thread onto the loop you just made, and attach the other end to the ceiling.  You can use masking tape to attach it because it's so lightweight, or you can use a small hook.
- Once you have it hung, you can adjust the balance by sliding the threads around where you tied the knots so that it hangs level.

That's it!  Hang it so that the baby can see it while lying down.  When it spins around, they really start to track with their vision.

Template below:


  1. love your patterns. reminds me of something in our childhood house...very 70s. i wonder if you might consider posting le mademoiselle et le mobile...? :)

  2. at first glance i thought the shapes spelled "love"!

  3. Thanks everybody!

    Lori - Yeah, I need to find of good copy of that movie with Tess and the mobile on my backup hard drive. I only have a super tiny version. I'll try and do that. She's so cute in it.

    Jill - Cool, you're right. It almost does look like "love". Perfect!

  4. what size for the squares to print please?
    I love it, I'll do it for my niece.

  5. wabili - If you download the jpeg it will print automatically on a regular 8.5X11" piece of paper. The squares will be 4X4 inches. You can print it smaller though if you'd like. (If your printer doesn't have borderless printing.)

  6. That is exactly what i'm looking for, thank you !

  7. Perfect. My sister is due with their first baby this fall and this will be a part of the gift that I am sending them. Homemade and perfect. I think instead of cardboard for the crosses though that I'm going to use painted paint stirring sticks. Thanks!

  8. Genie - Nice, yes wood is a good way to go too!

  9. Enven if I prefer more colored toys, i like your tutorial !
