Friday, June 25, 2010

Modern Baby Blankets

I just came across these photos the other day and thought it would be fun to post them.  Before Jack and Tess were born I wanted to make them special receiving blankets.  So this is what I came up with.  They turned out to be more playmats than blankets, but they were enjoyable nonetheless.  And look how cute Jack and Tess were as babies!


  1. they are crazy cute... as are the blankets. Is there no limit to your creativity... makes me think about stretching my limits a bit. Thanks for the inspiration yet again. :)

  2. You are indeed creative superman...and they were just as cute then as they are now!

  3. gorgeous and precious. it's fun to see something from years ago...

  4. they were the cuuuutest babies! they look like little dolls. these are super cool too.

  5. Lovely! Do you still use these? They look like they would be beautiful bedspreads.

  6. Thanks everybody!

    Maiz - I haven't used them in quite awhile. Maybe I should get them back out. They might fit nicely on their beds now. Good idea!

  7. Joel, I love your work! When I saw these baby blankets immediately came to my mind the first craft work the late artist Sonia Delaunay did when she was expecting her son. She was a russian painter that emigrated to Paris and then met and married the french painter, Robert Delaunay. And her blanket was done 100 years ago!
    Renata Rubim, from Brazil (

  8. Beautiful babies indeed... and blankets ! congrats for both

  9. Your babies are adorable! If they weren't a boy and a girl, I'd swear they were identical. The blankets are awesome too, of course.

  10. What a cute little babies!
    And the blankets are equally beautiful.

  11. I love the night gowns they are wearing. Do you remember where you bought them? I two new grandbabies and would love to get these for them. Thank you. Debbie

  12. Thanks everybody!

    Anonymous- Thanks. I'm a little familiar with Robert Delaunay, but didn't know that story. Cool!

    Debbie - I love those gowns too. They are the Kimono's from Under the Nile. Here's a link:

  13. oh I love these!!! so so cute! blankets as well as babies of course ;)
