Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pop-Up Puppets

I just made some pop-up puppets with the kids this morning.  We had a great time picking out the fabrics and drilling holes for the dowel sticks.  When we were done, Jack and Tess were pretty surprised at how they came to life.  Below you can see a quick video.  (Including another one of my old songs.)


  1. infinitemonkeytheoryMay 27, 2010 at 8:08 PM

    awesome, i was wondering when you'd do something like this.

  2. I very recently discovered your blog and am having one of those " where have you been all my life" moments. So fantastical - such beautiful ideas and photography...

  3. Joel, I have been peeking in on your blog for a few weeks not and, I too, have to applaud your creative brilliance! Thanks for sharing all of your sensational ideas :)

  4. :-) I wish I had moves like that.

  5. TOO fun! I love your videos! I couldn't help but dance a little myself.
    Erin :)

  6. Funky! You always make me smile.

  7. Hahahahaha LOVE it!
    There ain't a problem that you can't fix 'cos you can do it in the mix :)
    Love the dolls. Love the music. Great!

  8. Just discovered your blog and I am in love! You are amazingly creative and your children are lucky to have you.

    Thanks for the inspiration. Yummy!

  9. I love all your crafty toys !!! Congratulations. I wrote a post today on my blog about your paper city!

  10. Hilarious! I am most entertained by the daddy arm that makes short appearances in the corner there. Bravo. love the blog!

  11. We are making our own puppets today. I'll let you know how it also want to compose their own Joel-Inspired music :)

  12. just had a major replay-replay dance party with your little friend.

  13. Love these and your blog! How do you actually make them?
    We are getting ready to make some puppets and I'd love to try and make something like what you made did you do it?

  14. OMG!!! My 2 yr old absolutely loves this! We just watched about 12 times. "Again, Again, Again..." says Baby J

    Any tuturials on this craft??? or where can it be purchased?

  15. Thanks everybody! Yeah, if you google "how to make pop up puppets" there are a few basic tutorials. But all you do really is mount a head onto a dowel stick (I drilled a hole into the head piece and glued it on), then use a cardboard tube, like from wrapping paper or paper towel, for the body. Then sew a long "outfit" that slides over the tube. (The tube should be about half the length of the entire body.) When the clothing is over the tube, slide the head/dowel stick in from the top, and then use hot glue or something to get the top of the clothing to stick to the neck of the puppet. Thats it!

  16. When I was little I had a pop up puppet! I hadn't thought about it for years! What a great idea!

  17. Wow! All of May is really brilliant and simple, sand combs, aquarium, painted rocks and sticks, puppets and marionettes! I really love your work!
