Saturday, May 8, 2010

Paper City Vehicles

I've had a lot of requests (including from Jack) for some cars and trucks for the paper city.  So here they are!  There's a template below if you want to try them out.  Just cut on the black outlines and fold.  Cool!


  1. My son is one happy little man! If you add a helicopter he will be over the moon:) We love all of your designs!

  2. You are wonderful for sharing your talents with others. A BIG thank you!

  3. Great! We made our own paper city today and coloured it as well. See my blog!
    Tanx again!

  4. Thank you everyone!

    Peggy Rice - That's a good idea! I'll definitely have to make a helicopter.

    Effie - Thanks for showing me your paper city colorings. You have some great artists in your house!

  5. Today I arrived to your blog, it´s amazing!
    I enjoyed with all of your proyects. I'm from Argentina, so my english may be pretty poor ... I'm sorry.
    I recomend you another blog of a young girl from my country, your children will like it too:

  6. Thank you! Our little town is still going strong. My little one will be thrilled to see the vehicles.

  7. What a cool blog! So glad I discovered it!!

  8. thanks for bikes and cars !!! I love this town !!

  9. My son will LOVE this. He's obsessed with cars.

  10. yeah!!!! bad weather here, 3 childs at home tomorrow... a great activity thanks to you!!

  11. @ Joel, thank you so much (blush).

  12. tres chic, joel! the design is perfect for picking up. and i love the focus of flowers & ice-cream as the main businesses in town. :)

  13. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely city design. It kept my 4 year old and I very occupied for most of the afternoon today. His older brother and father were also quite interested in it when they got home later in the day. Thank you for being so generous with your designs.

  14. Thank you so much for your design. We have a bustling Paper City at our house thanks to your generosity. Thank you for sharing it.

  15. from one blog to another I came to yours. WOW!!! such great ideas and design! congratulations! I'll be adding you to my blogroll so I can "follow" you :)

    are you portuguese?

    If so: parabéns e continuação de um excelente trabalho!
    abraço e saudações artísticas aqui do velho continente :)

  16. Thank you so much everybody. I love looking at all of your cities!

    Melro - Yes, my name is Portuguese, but it goes way back. I'd love to go to Portugal someday.

  17. These are such great designs. I will be printing them out to play with in our Lego city. I posted a how-to and your cars and trucks will work with very little modifications! Here's the link to the how-to.

  18. would you accept to adopt me or mary me even if I'm old, already married and French ??? No !
    mmmm, then I am going to continue to dream in front of the "merveilleux" world that you create and share here.
    Thank you so much; you've got a great talent!

  19. thanks for the idea and template my children have had loads of imaginative playtime using them. the photo paper was a great tip.

  20. Joel
    Thank you… we had a great time creating our own amazing red city, here in Israel!
    Both of my sons loved it!

