Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wood & Wire Toys

I've been wanting to make some wire animal sculptures for awhile, and finally got around to it. I thought it would be fun to make the heads out of wood and paint them. They're definitely Alexander Calder and Joan MirĂ³ inspired. I really like the way they turned out, and will definitely make more.


  1. wonderful!
    have you ever heard of Javier Mariscal?


  2. Thanks for the nice comments. And no, I hadn't heard of Javier Mariscal. I've just been looking at a bunch of his work via google and it's awesome! Thanks for the info!

  3. i'm enjoying your blog! and i love your ideas for kids. i've been thinking about trying my hand at wire sculptures. what type of wire do you use? any tips? thanks!

  4. Thanks Sarah. For these I used a big spool of black wire from a hardware store. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be used for. Roofing or something like that.
